February: My Prayer For You
My Prayer For You Today is to give a word of encouragement during a difficult time. It’s said that doing this for someone is worth more...
Holiday Letdown
"What is it you like about the holidays?" I asked my son. "Being home from school." "Picking out the Christmas tree." "Getting lots of...
January: My Prayer For You
My Prayer For You Today is that you would pray for someone who struggles with loneliness. Pray that God would remind them that they're...
Christmas morning can be pretty sweet thanks to the cookies for breakfast, presents under the tree, and bonding time with family and...
December: My Prayer For You
My Prayer For You Today is to slow down and enjoy the Christmas season! Remember what it's really all about. #beincouraged #praywithjan...
Have you ever been to a meal where everyone at the table was hungry and ate everything in sight? I had 11 family members and friends over...
November: My Prayer For You
My Prayer For You Today is knowing that because of Jesus, your greatest trial will become your greatest triumph! #beincouraged...
I was feeling really stressed out one morning. So I decided to get out of the house and find somewhere where I could be alone with my...
October: My Prayer For You
My Prayer For You Today is to think of the people cheering you on inspiring you with their hard-earned wisdom and life stories. Think of...
Have you ever received an invitation in the mail but didn’t open it right away? I’ve done that many times. It could have been because I...