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Christmas morning can be pretty sweet thanks to the cookies for breakfast, presents under the tree, and bonding time with family and friends. What could be sweeter?

While thoughts of presents at Christmas time can cause our materialistic side to come out, there are things you can do to make your day grand.

  1. Gratitude helps us to remember to be grateful for what we already have, and it doesn’t need to be wrapped with bows. The Christmas season is a great time to start a new tradition in which members of the family share why they are grateful for each other.

  2. Christmas causes a lot of tension and stress with our loved ones as we struggle to make the day “perfect”. However, showing someone how much you appreciate them will make that relationship stronger.

  3. Create an atmosphere of joy this Christmas. Put aside all disagreements and let love be sweeter than the dislikes that exist. You’ll be amazed at how contagious joy can be.

  4. Let your hair down. You’ve done all you can do, so now enjoy the moments you have with your family and friends. Get your fuzzy slippers on your feet and be silly. Have fun and let others see the joy that Christmas brings.

Finally, let’s not forget the true meaning of Christmas; how God’s great love sent us His son Jesus. Let His love, joy and peace take front row this Christmas season.

Be-In-Couraged! Always remember that you’re not alone – God cares.

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas from our home to yours.

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