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Our Outreach Projects in Africa

In 2017 I was presented with the opportunity to spend a month traveling through Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. As the planning for this trip got underway it hit me that Be-In-Couraged had to be a part of this. At the time I didn't know how but I knew God would show me, when I presented the idea to Jan she immediately said yes.
So in 2018 I took the trip of a lifetime with the mission to find a mission for us.
To read a little about my personal experience on my trip CLICK HERE

Where does Be-In-Couraged and our tribe of amazing women fit in?

Well, there are two things we are excited to share with you.
he first is Dignity for Daughters in Iringa, Tanzania and the second is the sponsorship of a child in the Watoto Ministries in Uganda. We encourage you to join us on this journey.
How can you help?
-Pray for these beautiful women and their daughters
-Donate to our Outreach Program
Dignity for Daughters

Dignity for Daughters, Iringa

Heshima Kwa Binti, Wa Iringa

Iringa School Girls.jpg
Did you know?

In Tanzania “Young girls are not educated to expect, understand, and prepare for menstruation.”

  • 60% of girls between 12-18 lack access to menstrual hygiene products (pads) during their period due to costs and availability
  • 80% stay home from school 3-5 days each month, which interferes with their education
  • Girls remain in their homes, isolated and shunned by others, removed from their academic environment and local community opportunities
  • Some girls resort to unthinkable things for money to purchase disposable pads
Something that is very much a natural part of life is not be being discussed. 
These girls deserve better!
Be-In-Couraged has partnered with Bega Kwa Bega, Shoulder to Shoulder and Christ the Lord Lutheran Church to form Dignity for Daughters. This program has been designed to empower female students by educating and equipping them with basic menstrual products which will make a meaningful differences in their lives today and well beyond. We are beginning in the secondary schools with the intent to grow out into the villages. We are working to create a sustainable structure by creating jobs through the making of the menstrual kits.
VISION: Women and their daughters are empowered to thrive with confidence and dignity.
MISSION: Our mission is to achieve menstrual equity in Iringa, Tanzania. Sustainability will be accomplished
through reproductive health education and ensuring reusable menstrual product availability by
establishing local sewing ventures.
Watoto Ministries

Watoto Ministies Sponsorship Program

Jan and I have decided to sponsor the cutest little boy and we want you to get to know him too!
Meet Mathias Musinguzi
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Mathias was born prematurely and soon after abandoned by an unidentified person, outside a children's ward. A good Samaritan noticed him and notified the hospital authorities who later contacted Watoto Child Care Ministries as there was no one to give him care. Mathias was brought to a Baby Watoto Home where he was lovingly nurtured by caring nannies.
Mathias was later moved to a spacious Watoto Village. A devoted housemother and Watoto brothers and sisters made him feel welcome. Mathias' housemother showers him with love and care, giving him all the attention, he desires. Soon, he will be old enough for nursery school and then many years of quality education await him in Watoto Schools. Mathias loves to jump and sing. He has such a good appetite that he will eat anything put before him. He also actively participates during prayer time.
On Sundays, Mama takes Mathias to the Watoto Church, where he is learning about Jesus' love for him. Please pray for Mathias to receive the Lord into his heart when he reaches the age of understanding.
My Notes

My Notes

“In a few short words tell me about your experience in Africa?”

“What was the one most memorable part of your trip?”

“Tell me what stood out for you?”

“How would you describe the things you saw?”


These are such simple questions and only a few of the questions I have been asked since I have been back. I have struggled to find the words to answer these questions. My struggle is not because I don’t have anything to share its quit the opposite, I have so much to share I have no idea where to begin. To take an experience as amazing as my  trip to Africa and break it down into a few words seems like an impossible task. The stories I can share of the experiences, relationship, sites and sounds can’t be put to justice in just a few words. Every time I sit down to write something I am overcome with great emotion and words just don’t seem to exist to describe those emotions.


Our journey took us to the three countries of Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. Within these countries we visited hospitals, schools (from secondary through university), orphanages, villages, homes and so much more. The word that continues to play over and over again in my mind as I think of these things is complete “awe”. I am in awe of the pure joy I saw in people, I am in awe of the resilience I saw, I am in awe of their faith. I think you can see the pattern that I am establishing, while my emotions range from all over the spectrum I was continually amazed by the people we met. The superficial things that are so easy for me to see as a “problem” where not even on the radars of these people because they saw an awesome God that continued to provide for them.


My 6-year-old (at the time of the trip) daughter, Marley, was on this trip with me and this provided me with the unique opportunity to see the adventures of this trip through her eyes. I found that her innocence gave me a whole new perspective. As we visited children in many different scenarios, my first instinct was to see the “problems” that needed “fixed”. What Marley saw was a child to play with, she saw a friend. That innocence allowed me to step back and see the same. Time and time again I was thanked for bringing Marley on this trip. Not only did her presence show to the children of the community that they mattered but it also showed the mothers of the community that I don’t see my daughter and myself as different from them. I was literally there with my child to walk alongside them.


If I had to pick one thing to take away from this trip it would be that I hope that I exude the same joy, love, faith, grace and gratefulness that I saw when I was with these wonderful new friends of mine. I want people to see God through me as I did in the people of these amazing countries.

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