Give Thanks To God

Life gets so busy at times and we forget to meet with God. So I want to encourage you to stop whatever you’re doing in the midst of whatever you’re going through and give thanks and time to God. Don’t wait!
God answers prayer – and He has answered many of mine. There was a time that I recall praying urgently for some situation and He answered that prayer. Time went by and the next thing I knew, another situation occurred and back into urgent prayer mode I went. Sound familiar to you?
One day, I finally realized that I was developing a bad pattern. Each time that I got what I prayed for, I went on with “life” and forgot all about God… until my next problem brought me right back to Him – pleading once again for His help. My cycle would be a lot like this:
I would pray for something every day, all day.
God would answer my prayer in His time, and I would go back to my life as if nothing ever happened.
I had a weak prayer life and no time for God in my daily walk. Giving thanks back to God was absent.
God desires that we call on Him, but why do we tend to throw Him to the wayside once He answers our prayers? I’ve come to know that spending time with God daily, praising Him for His goodness (especially after He has answered my prayers), and waiting on Him in prayer and devotion keeps my faith strong and our relationship solid. After all, relationships take two…
So today stop whatever you’re doing in the midst of whatever you’re going through and give thanks and time to God. Don’t wait. God is worthy, and He is GOOD!
Psalm 118:29
Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever.