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Got a Grudge? Let it go!

Do you know that when you hold grudges, you hold yourself hostage from receiving the blessings God has for you?

But when you are praying, first forgive anyone you are holding a grudge against, so that your Father in heaven will forgive your sins, too. —Mark 11:25 NLT

Do you have any grudges against someone or maybe even against God? When my son died by the hands of a drunk driver, people would tell me that I had every right to hold a grudge. However, I knew God was asking me to forgive this person; I just wasn’t sure I could do that. Then, I heard God speak softly to me saying that I, in my power, cannot forgive anyone. It is God himself who gives us the courage and strength to forgive others. It is God alone who brings healing and rest to the soul and cleanses us from these toxic feelings.

I wrestled with unforgiveness in my heart for some time, which only left me hurting. It never affected the person who took my son’s life. Eventually, I gave in and spoke the words, “I forgive you.” Those were the most powerful words I had ever spoken.

God's forgiveness is Divine.

Have you ever said; “I can forgive, but I will never forget”? Being able to recall past offenses is not a license to murder the offender with our thoughts. Even though we have the ability to recall painful memories — if we choose to filter them through forgiveness—the pain and sorrow fade, leaving us free to pray for and love our enemies.

Got a grudge? Holding a grudge keeps us in bondage while forgiveness sets us free. Let it go – and watch those ashes of bitter sorrow transform into the beauty of renewed peace and joy.

Be encouraged — forgiveness is God’s prescription for our pain. Forgiveness reminds us of His mercy. Forgiveness is an attribute of God that we can participate in with Him. It is the key that unlocks the door to the prison of unforgiveness and releases us to receive His blessings. Will you start the healing process by asking God to help you identify any grudges that may dwell in the corners of your heart?

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